سوره 107: الماعون
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
به نام خداوند رحمتگر مهربان
have you seen he who belied the recompense?
آیا کسى را که [روز] جزا را دروغ مىخواند دیدى
it is he who turns away the orphan
این همان کس است که یتیم را بسختى مىراند
and does not urge others to feed the needy.
و به خوراکدادن بینوا ترغیب نمىکند
woe to those who pray,
پس واى بر نمازگزارانى
who are heedless of their prayers (delaying them from their prescribed times),
که از نمازشان غافلند
who show off,
آنان که ریا مىکنند
and prevent the utensils of assistance.
و از [دادن] زکات [و وسایل و مایحتاج خانه] خوددارى مىورزند